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[private tour] Easy Art class walking tour: interactive family experience

100€ per person

For a custom quote fill out the form below indicating the day and time you prefer and the number of participants.

Trought this tour the basic idea is not only to show the artworks spread around Florence but to provide the tools, to adults but also to children, to understand the language of art through a simple methodology that makes visible the stylistic and cultural aspects of Middle Ages and Renaissance, in painting, in sculpture and in architectonical point of view.

Through this process the visitors themselves will recognize the differences between a medieval artwork from a Renaissance one. We will discover how the differences between these two epochs actually correspond to two different ways of thinking and being that are reflected in the artistic choice. At the end we create a game for parents and sons trying to recognize, for axample, a renaissance artwork from a medioeval one.

“Is this a renaissance statue by Donatello or a later gothic one by Ghiberti?” The right answer of this question is not something very concrete to put in your backpack ?!

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    1,5 hours
    • Departure
      Signoria square at the bronze horse monument - Florence
    • Departure Time
      Time to be agreed according to your preferences
    • Return Time
      2,5 hours later
    • Included
      [private tour] Easy Art class walking tour: interactive family experience


    Signoria square at the bronze horse monument - Florence

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