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[private tour] Vip Medici Family profecy unpublished (with palazzo vecchio)

130€ per person

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This tour is based on a current art search for a scientific publication by the guide.

We will begin the experience in Piazza della Signoria in front of Palazzo Vecchio, symbol of Florentine political power. We will understand the delicate transition from the republic to the grand duchy: as the Florentine leadership of the Medici arrives, from an informal elite behind the republican organs to absolute power.

We will have a special access to Palazzo Vecchio discovering the political power rooms and the duke’s propaganda throught the arts (we will see also some simbols that testify to the awareness of Duke Cosimo about the Medici prophecy that we will understand well in their meaning at the end of the experience).

Coming out from Palazzo Vecchio we will continue along the Uffizi loggia, understanding its practical and aesthetic reason for this architecture, along the Lungarno we will see Ponte Vecchio and the Vasari Corridor.

Understanding the relationship between the rich Florentine merchant families and the Medici entourage, that unites them to itself through business and the artistic/cultural action, we reach the culmination of the visit: The Sassetti Chapel in Santa trinita church.

The visit until then will have prepared the basis for dealing with the stories told through the plot of the images of the Chapel; guests now are ready for the unpublished: the secret aspiration of the Medici.

The chapel commissioned by a loyalist of Lorenzo the Magnificent is conceived as a magical talisman for the verging of an event that actually takes place 30 years later.

This prophecy in secret form is handed down from generation to generation in the family: the art of the Duke Cosimo proves it.

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    3,5 hours
    • Departure
      Signoria square at the bronze horse monument - Florence
    • Departure Time
      Time to be agreed according to your preferences
    • Return Time
      3,5 hours later
    • Included
      [private tour] Vip Medici Family profecy unpublished (with palazzo vecchio)


    Signoria square at the bronze horse monument - Florence

    Special tour between Florence Cathedral, Santa Croce Florence, Ponte Vecchio, San Lorenzo, Accademia Gallery, Florence walking tour, Michelangelo, Uffizi gallery.
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